Donation Form

National Association for Blind, Karnataka Branch

NAB-K is an NGO registered under Karnataka Societies Act 1960-S No.367/78-79. Since 1977, we have helped the visually impaired in Karnataka become socially and economically independent – thus creating a bright future for them and their families.

If you want to donate and help us enhance our services to the blind, just go to the form below.

ItemCost for Full ProgramCost for a Trainee
Discovering Hands (Training visually impaired women
for employment in hospitals to detect breast cancer in
patients) batch of 8-10 beneficiaries for 1 year
Sponsor the Train-the-Trainer program, batch of 6-8
trainers for 6 months
Sponsor the Digital Literacy Program, batch of 8-10
beneficiaries for 4 months
Sponsor A Taluk Centre (For a year)
Sponsor A Taluk Centre annually for 30 to 50 beneficiaries
Sponsor the Industrial & Technical Training program,
batch of 8-10 beneficiaries for 6 months
Sponsor the Foundation Course, 10 to 12 beneficiaries for 6 months5,00,000
Sponsor food expenses for our hostel (per day)15,000
General DonationAny Amount