NAB-K offers different kinds of training programmes, all aimed at making
the visually challenged independent and integrated with mainstream society. NAB has a
team of dedicated trainers who have won recognition and awards for their services. Some of the courses offered are:
To know more about our programmes see below.
Our Foundation Course includes:
During the rehabilitation process, our counselors assist individuals (and their families) to adjust to their vision loss, and reassure them that they can manage life and work, independently. We help them apply for government provisions such as Disability ID cards, pensions and getting them registered in the local Panchayat. This year we rehabilitated 325 visually impaired persons as compared to 192 last year.
Duration of the Course
How to Apply
There are about 7 courses conducted during each year. One can join the course by
contacting the Mobility Training Centre over phone on 080 2528 1439 / 2528 1590
(Monday to Friday from 10:00 Hrs to 17:00 Hrs).
For details of the starting dates for various programs click on the Training Schedule
The Foundation Course includes a 6-week mobility training program
which covers the rules of walking in public using a cane, moving
about in a room, negotiating steps and escalators, commuting in a
bus and learning techniques to map and memorize routes and layouts
in rural and urban areas. With over 40 years of experience, NAB-K
Karnataka is India’s premier centre offering Mobility Training for
the Visually Impaired.
Our instructors have won awards from the
Government of Karnataka as the Best Trainers in the State. 112
students (out of which 67 came from our CBR program) were trained
in 9 batches during this year in Bangalore, 27 of them were women
and 85 were men. 19 students were trained in Mysore & 325
beneficiaries from our taluk level centers were trained at the
taluk level centre.
How to Apply
There are about 7 courses conducted during each year. One can join the course by
contacting the Mobility Training Centre over phone on 080 2528 1439 / 2528 1590
(Monday to Friday from 10:00 Hrs to 17:00 Hrs) .
For details of the starting dates for various programs click on the Training Schedule
We teach the visually impaired basic hygiene habits and personal management techniques. We also teach them life skills which includes self care such as managing their medication, grooming themselves, telling time, identifying currency and clothes; Home Science such as basic cooking, cleaning the house; Soft skills such as people skills, social skills and communication skills. We also teach the visually impaired to read and write in Braille. Teaching of Braille, music, soft skills, will be between 5.00 P.M to 8.00 P.M and we will conduct cultural activities between 8.00 A.M to 10.00 A.M.
How to Apply
There are about 7 courses conducted during each year. One can join the course by
contacting the Mobility Training Centre over phone on 080 2528 1439 / 2528 1590
(Monday to Friday from 10:00 Hrs to 17:00 Hrs).
For details of the starting dates for various programs click on the Training Schedule
In the Foundation course, we provide training on Employability skills which includes white collar, blue collar or self-employment skills. We have 3 programs listed under this:
a) DIGITAL LITERACY PROGRAM: Our computer training course
for the Visually impaired includes basic computer concepts like Keyboard
Orientation, Ms Word, Ms Excel, Internet and E-mail with the help of a screen
reader software called NVDA (Non visual Desktop Application).It also includes
training in Spoken English, Life skills, Communication skills, Job interview
skills & General Knowledge. This year, we held 3 batches of the Digital Literacy
Program and trained a total of 35 students. In partnership with Enable India,
a summer camp on digital literacy was conducted. 17 visually impaired students
from Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu were trained in basic computer
skills. Training programs have been initiated to enable the visually impaired
school/ college graduates in skills to take up entrance exams for white
collared jobs in Banks, insurance companies and other roles in the Private,
Public and Government centers (KPSE, Railways, Insurance, Staff Selection
Commission etc).
NAB-K, Mysore has been awarded ‘Best Institution providing technical training
for the visually impaired’, by the Government of Karnataka. We have identified
a number of Technical and Industrial blue-collared jobs that are suitable for
the Visually Impaired and have created training programs which enable them to
learn these skills, along with the discipline, quality and safety standards
required to work in an industrial environment. Some of the types of Job
opportunities we have identified for the visually impaired include:
•Packing and folding In the Garment Industry
•Deburring in Aluminum die-casting
•Machining and Assembly operations NAB-K works closely with businesses in different geographies and identifies jobs that can be performed by the Visually Impaired. NAB-K provides the necessary training and skill building required with the help of the employer’s supervisory staff.
Our 28th batch of Industrial/ Technical Training Course in Mysore consists of 31 hearing and visually Impaired
students, undergoing training since 6th July 2017. The 27th batch consisting of 30 trainees completed the
course in June 2017. 25 students from this batch have found employment in local industries. A new batch of 9
visually impaired students have enrolled in the Industrial/ Technical Training Course which began in March
2018 in NAB-K, Bangalore.
SSLC/Matriculation/10th Standard Pass and people who are Blind/Partially Blind/Deaf
Candidates have to make their own arrangements for stay at Mysore.
c) Self Employment:
We have enable 234 of our visually impaired students to get employment in and around
their place of residence or become self employed. As compared to 162 last year. We train the visually
impaired on entrepreneurial skills to become self employed. In the rural areas, we assist the visually impaired
to set up petty shops, selling of vegetables, selling of seasonal crops, weighing scales, cow and sheep rearing
and other local entrepreneurial opportunities. We also help the Self Employed visually impaired set up a Self
Help Group (SHG) or Sangha.
The Sangha is a separate legal entity with its own bank account and is managed by the visually impaired. To
run this setup they require funds. NAB-K helps them apply for a Bank loan. Employers can treat these self
help groups as vendors. They are then able to generate their own income and share it among themselves.
NAB-K is the only institution in the country which has a Train the Trainer program which includes mobility training and community based rehabilitation training for the visually impaired.
Our Train-the-Trainer program generates 16 new instructors per year. This program enables us to establish new taluk level locations each year, thus increasing our capacity by 400-500 beneficiaries per year
The training program includes exposure to operations in the rural area in our Taluk centres, in the 1 year intership, students are made to work in the taluk level centres.
Prerequisites attitude and aptitue for social welfare
Academic qualification:
BA, BED, BSW,MSW, diploma in social welfare, ITI with some work experience
We have established Taluk Level Centers and extended our reach into rural Karnataka. In collaboration with the local community, local NGOs and the local Panchayats, we have surveyed 551 villages and identified 706 visually impaired persons and 39 hearing impaired persons in our Taluka Level Centers. We help them apply for government provisions such as Disability ID cards, pensions and getting them registered in the local Panchayat. We then enroll them into our Foundation Course delivered in our Taluk Level Centers and provide them with the necessary, Life skills, Mobility training , vocational skills, self employment skills and help them establish self help groups/ Sanghas.